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Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of Park Forest Cooperative is comprised of five Cooperative members who volunteer their time and talents to ensure efficient operation today and the future stability of the Cooperative. Like any successful corporation, the Board of Directors must know their corporation and be willing to devote many hours to keep up with cooperative trends, legal requirements, and market expectations. This Board of Directors does these things and much more.

S. Douglas Price, President
Mr. Price has been a Director of Park Forest Cooperative for thirty years. He is a successful insurance broker and political activist. Under his leadership the Cooperative has completed several major capital replacement and improvement projects.

John Ostenburg, Vice President
Mr. John Ostenburg has been a Director of Park Forest Cooperative for twenty-eight years. He is the President of the Village of Park Forest and he has served in the Illinois State Legislature as Representative of the 80th District.

Margaret McDannel, Secretary
Mrs. McDannel has been a Park Forest Cooperative Director for twenty-five years. She currently serves on the District 163 School Board.

Alfreda Keller, Assistant Secretary
Ms. Keller brings a host of knowledge to the director positon.

Richard Whitehead, Treasurer
Mr. Whitehead brings a host of knowledge to the director position.

Management Staff
Brian Ross, Manager
Brian Ross has been associated with housing cooperatives for more than thirteen years with twenty one years in property management.

Luciana Jackson, Assistant Manager
Mrs. Jackson has been with Park Forest Cooperative-Birch Street Townhomes since 2018. She brings with her 20+ years of accounting/auditing experience, and 15 years of property management experience. Her excellent communication skills and open door policy makes it easy to talk to her. Mrs. Jackson works closely with the Maintenance Department serving as an important link between our Members and the Cooperative's Maintenance Department. She handles a long list of administrative responsibilities, and all the daily financial operations.

Robert Huffnagle, Maintenance Coordinator
Mr. Huffnagle oversees the work of our maintenance staff. His extensive experience in a variety of building system diciplines makes him well suited for the position he holds with Park Forest Cooperative. The extra concern he demonstrates for the well-being of the Cooperative helps to make him an essential part of our management team.

Mary Van, Sales
Membership sales are coordinated by Mrs. Van. New Members usually have a great deal of contact with Mrs. Van from the time they first feel a spark of interest in cooperative housing, to the final closing of the purchase of a membership. Among her other responsibilities are accounts receivable and special projects.

Mary Kay Joens, Administrative Asistant
Ms. Joens has been greeting Members, prospective Members, vendors and a multitude of other individuals when they call or visit the Management Office. When you call the Management Office the first person you will probably speak to will be Ms. Joens. In addition to being our official "greeter," she performs a variety of administrative tasks.

Maintenance Staff
Ron Reeves, General Maintenance
Isaac Cruz, General Maintenance
Ezell Johnson, Maintenance-Utility

© 2000 Park Forest Cooperative - Birch Street Townhomes
All Photography By: Photographically Speaking/Frank Casella
Park Forest Cooperative News
The official launch of

New Rear porches for all court townhomes

more news . . .

Equal Housing Opportunity
Park Forest Cooperative - Birch Street Townhomes is an equal opportunity housing development.
Looking for Housing?
Take a tour of the townhomes currently available at Park Forest Cooperative - Birch Street Townhomes.
Need More Information?
If you would like additional information about The Park Forest Cooperative - Birch Street Townhomes or cooperative housing, in general, we would be happy to provide it for you.
Community Resources
Park Forest, IL
Park Foresters
Public Library
Lincoln Net
Prairie State College
Governors State